§ 20A-7-502. Local initiative process -- Application procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Persons wishing to circulate an initiative petition shall file an application with the local clerk.
    (2) The application shall contain:
    (a) the name and residence address of at least five sponsors of the initiative petition;
    (b) a statement indicating that each of the sponsors:
    (i) is a registered voter; and
    (A) if the initiative seeks to enact a county ordinance, has voted in a regular general election in Utah within the last three years; or
    (B) if the initiative seeks to enact a municipal ordinance, has voted in a regular municipal election in Utah:
    (I) except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(ii)(B)(II), within the last three years; or
    (II) within the last five years, if the sponsor's failure to vote within the last three years is due to the sponsor's residing in a municipal district that participates in a municipal election every four years;
    (c) the signature of each of the sponsors, attested to by a notary public; and
    (d) a copy of the proposed law that includes:
    (i) the title of the proposed law, which clearly expresses the subject of the law; and
    (ii) the text of the proposed law.
    (3) A proposed law submitted under this section may not contain more than one subject to the same extent a bill may not pass containing more than one subject as provided in Utah Constitution, Article VI, Section 22.
Amended by Chapter 315, 2011 General Session